Your Duda SEO Specialist – Affordable SEO Services

Duda SEO Specialist
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How Duda SEO Works

Although Duda greatly simplifies SEO tasks and even handles some of them for you, an SEO specialist can elevate your game to new heights. SEO does not end with optimizing titles, headings, and improving speed. It is all about a long-term strategy and tactics.

Less Technical SEO

Duda automatically creates and updates a sitemap and robots.txt file. It also controls canonical and hreflang tags.

Better Speed and Core Web Vitals

Thanks to the robust hosting architecture, mobile-first themes, and built-in image optimization tools.

AI-Assisted Content

Duda AI assistant (powered by Open AI) helps generate titles and rephrase the text.

Seamless Redirects

It is much simpler and more convenient to create 301 redirects with Duda compared to hard-coded websites.

Built-in Structured Data (Schema)

Duda has built-in support for the two structured data types: Local Business Schema and FAQ Schema. We can integrate other types with custom code snippets.

I Use the Best Duda SEO Tools

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WooRank is a native all-in-one SEO tool that helps optimize and audit your Duda site. It also allows website owners to track keywords and spy on competitors.

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SEO Opportunities

I like this tool because it audits internal links and shows a brief SEO summary in the Duda page editor. It pays special attention to title optimization based on keyword data.

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AMP: Faster Websites

Although Duda websites are already optimized for speed, they will load noticeably faster after configuring this tool, which is never a bad thing!

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Squeaky Web Analytics

By using this tool, I was able to visualize the user journey on the site, thanks to the session recordings, to find out where the UX is broken. Heatmaps and feedback are also really helpful.

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The ‘Near Me’ App

This is a great native app for Duda Local SEO. It lets you submit the site to several directories, easily update the information, and manage your business reputation.

Do You Wonder How I Work?

Client experience stays in the first place for me. To achieve the best results, I should understand the business and needs of my client as if this were my business.

Contact Me


First, reach out to me. That’s where it starts!

Free Consultation


You can write your questions or concerns in the form and even schedule a consultation via Zoom.

Custom Quote


Request an SEO quote via the form, or let me prepare it after the consultation.

Sign the Contract


After talking with you, I will send you a contract, which you can sign on Upwork.

Pay Securely


Your funds are protected by Escrow! When you are satisfied with the work, you will approve the agreed milestone or project, and I will receive the money!

Only SEO Best Practices

SEO has changed drastically in the last 3 years, but the core principles stay the same: people should like your site, and you should not try to fool Google. Order SEO services from me, and do not worry about the next Google update. No grey-hat or black-hat SEO techniques!

People-First Content Approach
No Toxic Backlinks and Link Schemes
No Keyword Stuffing
SEO-friendly Site Architecture
Strong Internal Linking
Tight Focus on Mobile Page Experience
Increasing User Engagement

What You Get

Keywords in the top 10

Traffic increase

White-hat SEO

Better user experience

Perfect website health

Progress reports


Is Duda good for SEO?
Yes, the Duda platform is good for SEO. It has several built-in SEO tools and mobile-friendly designs, plus it handles most of the technical SEO stuff for you.
Are Duda websites mobile-friendly?
Yes, Duda themes have a mobile-first design, meaning they are compatible with all mobile and tablet devices. Duda websites are also responsive, load fast, and tend to have good Core Web Vitals scores.
What is the difference between Duda and WordPress SEO?
Duda offers a more straightforward SEO process but at the cost of freedom. WordPress lets you do whatever you want, but it results in long setup and testing hours and can cause compatibility issues.

While Duda has built-in essential SEO tools, you have to install plugins to do anything, including SEO, on WordPress. Even adding a meta description requires a plugin or using custom code.

Finally, WordPress requires some technical skills. You have to set up hosting, optimize your theme (even the best themes may have problems), and do the technical SEO tasks.
Can you use Yoast SEO with Duda?
Unfortunately, Duda does not have built-in support for Yoast SEO. However, you can try to integrate Yoast SEO using third-party solutions, such as

I think you do not need to do this because Duda offers enough built-in SEO tools. You can use them together with leading third-party solutions, including Google Search Console, Semrush, Yext, WooRank, and others.

SEO Portfolio

Keyword Rankings

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Technical SEO Report Cover

Technical SEO Audit Report

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About Me


Dmitry – SEO Specialist

Hire an ethical SEO with over 3 years of experience in different niches, and do not worry about the next Google update. Always up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices and focused on user experience first. I have built and maintained several websites, including stores on WooCommerce and Shopify.

Skills & Experience

SEO Niches:
  • Local
  • Ecommerce
  • Blogging (+ affiliate)
  • YouTube
SEO Tools:
  • WooRank
  • Google Search Console
  • Google Analytics
  • Screaming Frog SEO Spider
  • Semrush
Website Builders:
  • Duda
  • WordPress
  • Shopify
  • Wix
  • Webflow
  • Duda
  • Google Analytics
  • Google Ads
  • Semrush

Previous Job Titles

SEO Manager at “AMA Digital Ventures LLC” 2022 – 2023

I was an SEO manager and content editor at, which specializes in software reviews.

SEO Specialist at “KADI ENTERPRISE” LLC 2021 – 2023

The company needed an online presence, and I volunteered to build a simple, functional site and promote it. Project niche: building materials and manufacturing

Marketing Director at “PBS LLC” 2015 – 2018

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