Google Ads Setup, Strategy, and Campaign Management

Google Search Ads

Search Ads

Help clients find your products in search and attract those ready to convert. This campaign is designed for conversions and can be run by any site.

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Why Google Ads is the Best Paid Advertising Medium?

Some of the advantages of Google Ads over media advertising are unprecedented reach, more than 20 formats of ads, a large partner network, the strongest marketing ecosystem, and many AI tools. The tools greatly help in management and optimization.

Youtube Ads

You have more time and opportunities to earn user attention. Surprise potential clients with a detailed and entertaining video showcasing your products or services.

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Google Video (YouTube) Ads

How Much Does Google Ads Cost?

The cost of Google Ads cannot be determined. It depends on many factors, such as the business type, campaign, goals, and website/app quality. The right thing to do is to determine the monthly budget and monitor the means that bring the most conversions, not forgetting the best practices, experimenting, and assessing the results.

Google Display Ads

Display Ads

Reach a wider audience and start generating demand. This campaign brings fewer conversions, but you will see more website visits and brand search queries.

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What Types of Campaigns Can You Create in Google Ads?

  • Search Ads (Google and search partners). You can advertise various products and services.
  • Display Ads let you appear on Google partner sites in the banner format.
  • Google Shopping Ads is specially designed for online stores.
  • Video Ads on YouTube and other video partner sites allow us to engage users while watching.
  • Performance Max. This campaign includes advertising on multiple Google channels, such as search, partner sites, Gmail, and YouTube. It requires substantial budgets.
  • Demand Generation. Choose this campaign type If you plan to create/grow interest in your products or services rather than getting conversions. Google will show your ads on Google Discover, Gmail, YouTube, and other sources.

Shopping Ads

Showcase your inventory the right way, displaying quality images and prices. Advertise many products with ease and maximize your online sales.

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Google Shopping Ads

What Goal Does Your Business Have?

Goal setting is fundamental for a successful Google Ads campaign and largely depends on your site/app.


This is the best fit for an ecommerce store.


It is typical of affiliate and service sites to set this goal.

Website Traffic

The universal but less targeted goal that can satisfy every site.

Reach & Awareness

Do you plan to reach a wider audience and improve brand recognition?

Local Store Visits

Do you have an office or a brick-and-mortar store?

App Promotion

You can receive more app installs and engage the audience better.

Google Ads Setup & Management

Determining Campaign and Goals.

First, I should get to know your site or app. At this stage, we will discuss your business objectives and determine KPIs for ad campaigns.

Setting the Budget.

I set the budget in Google Ads depending on the campaign, goal, and finances. This helps to run ads without exceeding the monthly plan.


I choose country, language, and other demographics as well as audience interests. If you have existing audiences, I upload them or create new segments.

Keyword Research.

This step involves finding keywords for the campaign while focusing on the most converting ones. The goal is to find the best price per click (CPC), action (CPA), impressions (CPM), or views (CPV).

Creating Ad Creatives.

I start creating a Google ad by adding headlines, descriptions, images, URLs, and other assets to maximize user interactions.

Publishing Ads.

The ad is ready, and now we should connect Google Ads to Google Analytics to measure the success of a campaign.

Management and Optimization.

Weekly audit of campaigns and the account to discover possible problems and improvements.

Progress Tracking.

You will get reports on revenue, conversions, and general progress for Google Ads campaigns.


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