Speed Optimization Services. Faster Sites = More Conversions

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Website Speed Optimization

A slow website is annoying! Especially today when visitors are so impatient, rushing to get what they need. Buy the project on Upwork – Get a faster site!

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Core Web Vitals

Loading Speed

Server Response Time

Why Does It Hurt to Have a Slow Website?

  • Every additional second in the mobile page speed may decrease conversions by as high as 20%. Source: Think with Google
  • 53% of mobile visits are ended if the site takes more than 3 seconds to load. Source: Think with Google
  • Page speed influences the decisions of 70% of shoppers. They are less likely to buy the product or refer a friend if the speed is slow. Source: Unbounce

How Much Does it Cost?

I can speed up your WordPress, Shopify, Webflow, Wix, Squarespace, or a hard-coded site. However, depending on a CMS or website builder, the procedures and deliverables may vary, considering each platform’s limitations.


Images and fonts are two of the largest contributors to the page speed. Maybe all your site needs is image and font optimization.

$49 /project
  • Delivery Time: 3 days
  • Compressing the Assets
  • Using Proper Formats
  • Loading Assets Properly
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Caching and CDN help decrease the server load, thus improving the loading speed.

$99 /project
  • Delivery Time: 5 days
  • All in Start Plus
  • Caching Setup
  • CDN Configuration
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Sometimes the above packages will not be enough, and you will need code and plugin optimization.

$199 /project
  • Delivery Time: 7 days
  • All in Endurance Plus
  • Theme & Plugin Optimization
  • External Scripts Optimization
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First Contentful Paint

Render-Blocking Resources

Total Blocking Time

How to Buy an Upwork Project from Me

Contact Me

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me on Upwork or via the form.

Buy the Project

Go to my project catalog on Upwork, choose your project tier, and pay for it.

Send the Requirements

I will need some things to start working (your expectations, information, and access to the site). The requirements vary based on the project.


During the next 24 hours, I will analyze the task, make a plan, and decide whether it is feasible to meet the set expectations.


If it is feasible to meet the set expectations, I start working on the project.


Having done all the tasks, I submit my work, and you review it.


Approve the project, and I receive the money. Your funds are protected by Escrow! You can get a refund if you are unhappy with my work.

Contact Me


Does this project include page speed optimization or website optimization?
It includes both. Some tasks, such as caching, image optimization, and plugin optimization, are sitewide measures. On the Advanced plan, you can request to optimize up to 3 uniquely built pages. These pages can have different architecture, CSS, and JS.
I can request up to 3 pages for this project, but what does it mean?
It applies only to the Advanced plan. Imagine you have a Shopify or WooCommerce online store. You may request your homepage, shop page, and product page to be optimized. The great news is that when I optimize one product page, the others follow the lead, even if you have 1000s of them.
I have 1000+ blog posts. Will all of them be optimized?
Yes, if you choose to speed up your blog post page! When you use CMS or a website builder, such as WordPress or Wix, their pages share the same template. It means that optimizing one page will improve all others under this category. Remember that image optimization and caching are sitewide measures.
How does speed optimization work?
Buy the project on Upwork => send me the requirements: your expectations + up to 3 pages to optimize if you have bought the Advanced plan. Within 24 hours, I inspect your site and decide whether it is feasible to meet your expectations. We discuss my findings, and then I proceed to work or cancel the project.
What is not included in your project?
Migrating/changing the Theme
Server-side optimization (database, hosting, etc.), but I can recommend some improvements.
Redesigning or redeveloping pages/sections, but I can work together with a developer.
Transitioning to AMP

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