Hostinger Builder (Zyro) SEO Guide 2023 (Video Tutorial)


Note: Zyro & Hostinger Website Builder are the same in terms of functionality. We will use both names interchangeably in this article.

Search engine optimization still remains one of the best ways to drive traffic to your website in 2023, whether you have a blog, a business site, or an online store. Before digging into SEO optimization on Zyro, let’s answer some frequently asked questions.

Zyro & Hostinger Website Builder SEO FAQ

What is SEO?
SEO is an acronym for Search Engine Optimization, which includes optimizing on-site and off-site elements to rank on the first page of the major search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, and Yandex.

SEO does have to be technical, difficult, and daunting today. The best advice is to create comprehensive content, understand your users, and focus on developing your business. Yes, there is technical SEO, but most website builders handle it for you.
Are Zyro and Hostinger Website Builder SEO-friendly? Are they good for SEO?
Yes, they are good for SEO because both have SEO-friendly templates and multiple SEO settings to optimize your pages. For example, you can add meta titles and descriptions, create headings (h1-h6), specify alt text, and control links & page visibility. The essentials you need to be on the 1st page.
Do Zyro and Hostinger Website Builder have mobile-friendly templates?
Yes, there are 140+ mobile-friendly templates, and the website builders allow mobile editing, without which it would be almost impossible to create mobile-friendly sites.
Can a beginner do SEO on Hostinger Website Builder and Zyro?
Yes, in our Hostinger Builder and Zyro review , the builders received 4 out of 5 for the ease of use. You can easily find all the SEO features, and there are a couple of checklists to help you in optimizing. However, checklists are quite basic, and it is where our SEO guide and the official knowledge base and tutorials come in.

Insights: Did you know that Google uses over 200 ranking factors to rank sites? Do not worry, in reality, you should focus on 10-15 major factors.

Hostinger SEO Features

You can optimize the following on Zyro + best practices for each:

  • Title tags should summarize the page and contain the main keywords. Keep them up to 60 characters, unique, and engaging.
  • Meta descriptions should describe the page and contain the main keywords. Keep them up to 150 characters, unique, and engaging.
  • Headings (h1-h6) should contain the main keywords and be up to 70 characters.
  • Alt text should naturally describe the image. Avoid stuffing your images with keywords.
  • URLs should be human-readable and contain some of the main keywords.
  • Link anchors should explain the page you are linking to and contain some of the main keywords.
  • Link “nofollow” attribute. Make the link “nofollow” if you do not trust the linked site or the link is sponsored. 
  • Table of contents on Zyro allow to make the long-form content more navigable, enhancing the user experience.

Sitewide SEO Configuration

Start by configuring the global SEO settings of Zyro in the editor.

How to do it?

Press the gear icon in the left sidebar of the editor and choose SEO. Go through the following steps:

  • Site or Business Name.
  • Language.
  • Describe your business.
  • Choose the best 3 keywords. 
  • Check the generated content.
sitewide seo configuration
step 1
sitewide seo configuration 3
step 3
sitewide seo configuration 4
step 4

Note: When setting up the sitewide SEO configuration, the title and meta description are generated for your homepage. You should not entirely rely on generated titles and meta descriptions: they are just a starting point.

Titles and Meta Descriptions for Any Page

If you struggle with writing titles and meta descriptions for specific pages, you can auto generate them: 

  1. Go to the “Pages” tab in the Zyro editor. 
  2. Click the “Settings” icon next to the page.  
  3. Write one or two sentences describing the page. 
  4. Choose the best 3 keywords. 
  5. Check the generated content.
title meta desciption generation 1

Congratulations, you have generated the title and meta description for this page. You can also manually edit your titles and meta descriptions whenever you want using page SEO settings.

TIP: You can hide the page from search results by checking the “hide page from search results” option at the bottom of “SEO page settings.”

Why Google Search Console is Important for Hostinger SEO

You cannot be serious about doing Hostinger SEO without Google Search Console (GSC) because it provides a huge pool of data on your search performance on Google, such as:

  • The keywords people are using to find your pages.
  • The number of clicks per page.
  • Click-through rates and positions for pages and search queries.
  • Locations of visitors.
  • Technical SEO issues related to indexing, speed, and search appearance.

Note: You should have a Google account to use Google products

How to Connect Google Search Console to Hostinger Website Builder

Do not worry, it is pretty simple. You just need to go through several steps.

  1. Go to
  2. Choose the domain verification method. By using this method, you can ensure that all the page variations will be tracked (http, https, www, and non-www). See the image below.
  3. Return to hPanel, go to “Domains,” press the domain you want to add the TXT DNS record to, click “DNS/Nameservers” and create the TXT record by pasting the code provided by Google. See the images below.
  4. Return to the Console and check whether it is working.
connect google search console verification method
Connect Google Search Console – choose the verification method
connect google search console domain verification method explained
Connect Google Search Console – what is domain verification method
hpanel domains
Hostinger hPanel – Domains
adding google search console verification code to dns records
Adding the Google Search Console verification code to DNS records on Hostinger Website Builder

Submit Your Sitemap

Sitemaps help search engines to crawl and understand the site better. You should not miss this step, but how to do it? Do you see the bar on the left of the Search Console?

Note: The interface of Google Search Console may vary slightly by country.

  • Find the “Indexing” category.
  • Press “Sitemaps.”
  • Enter your Zyro sitemap address. It is or Depending on your domain setup, the URL can contain the “www” prefix.
submit sitemap to google search console
Submit a sitemap to Google Search Console

Index Your Pages Faster

What if I say that there is a fast way to index individual pages on your site?

It is not magic but a fact. You will need the “URL Inspection” tool inside Google Search Console. Go to it and paste the URL you want to index asap. If it is already indexed (in search), you will see “URL is on Google.” The coolest part about this tool is that it shows whether the page is mobile-friendly, accessible by spiders, when the last time it was crawled, and many more.

url inspection in google search console
Google Search Console URL Inspection -NOT indexed URL
google search console url inspection indexed url
Google Search Console URL Inspection -indexed URL

Connect Google Analytics to Hostinger Website Builder

If you want to see all traffic sources, analyze complex visitor behavior, and monitor ad campaigns, you should connect Google Analytics to your Zyro website. Hostinger Website Builder greatly simplifies this process. All you need is to register on the Analytics site and paste the code in the “Integrations” section.

How to Register Google Analytics Account

Again, you should have a Google account. 

Go to and fill in the following information:

  • Account name
  • Property name
  • Business information
  • Accept the Terms of Service
google analytics welcome page
Google Analytics – get started
google analytics account set up
Google Analytics – create an account

Overview of Steps to Set Up Google Analytics for Your Zyro Site

Do not worry because the Google Analytics setup wizard will do most of the work for you.

  1. Go to 
  2. Register your Google Analytics account.
  3. Set up a Google Analytics property (image 1).
  4. Create a “Web” Google Analytics data stream and configure it. Enable all the measurements (they can be turned on by default). Look at the images 2 & 3.
  5. Click on website settings (the gear icon in the Editor), then “Integrations,” choose Google Analytics, and paste your “Measurement ID” code (image 5).
  6. Check whether it is working: visit your site and check the real-time report in Google Analytics.
google analytics property set up
Google Analytics – property setup
google analytics data streams set up
Google Analytics – Data Streams
setting up google analytics data stream
Google Analytics – set up a data stream
copy google analytics measurement id 2
Copy Google Analytics Measurement ID
paste google analytics code to zyro
Paste your Google Analytics Measurement ID to Zyro or Hostinger Website Builder

Final Words about Zyro SEO Optimization

Now you know that Zyro and Hostinger Website Builder are SEO-friendly, and even a beginner can do SEO on them. This guide has shown how to set up sitewide SEO configuration, create and edit titles & meta descriptions, connect Google Search Console, and index your first pages.

It is your turn to optimize every page and monitor your SEO performance. The primary goal should be to establish experience, expertise, authority, and trust (E-E-A-T) among your visitors and search engines.

Zyro SEO Services to Maximize Your Online Presence

SEO has changed drastically in the last 3 years, but the core principles stay the same: people should like your site, and you should not try to fool Google. Order SEO services from me, and do not worry about the next Google update. No grey-hat or black-hat SEO techniques! I follow only the best SEO practices:

People-First Content Approach
No Toxic Backlinks and Link Schemes
No Keyword Stuffing
SEO-friendly Site Architecture
Strong Internal Linking
Tight Focus on Mobile Page Experience
Increasing User Engagement

What You Get

Keywords in the top 10

Traffic increase

White-hat SEO

Better user experience

Perfect website health

Progress reports

Learn More
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